About Me

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"Ya know, Selly, you've always loved working with kids. I know you're staying in TV for the time being. But, have you given any serious thought of teaching or working with children in some other fashion? You've got such a great personality. That smile will get you the keys to the kingdom." - the late Robert Lewis, WJHL TV anchor Yes, Bob. I'm seriously thinking about it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Read. Write. Review.

You Want Me to What?

Reading wasn't my my game.  Then I discovered how to read for pleasure. 

Writing wasn't my game if the story had to be a product of my own imagination.  Then I discovered how to write and reveal facts as a journalist.  

Reviewing was time consuming.  Then I discovered you don't care what what I'm telling you if I don't review it and promise its accuracy.

News in the Unincorporated

The desire to spread gossip, I mean write and share valuable and worthwhile news, lead to a career in broadcast news.  In Fellowsville, WV, rural Preston County, all things stopped at supper time and for the news.  The paper came in the morning.  We read it.  Tom Brokaw came on at night.  We reviewed his every newscast.

Let Me Tell You How It Was.

I decided to write the news myself someday.  I did that for 10 years through radio and television.  Now, I write stories in a different way.  I throw them up on the web for review on devices I never dreamed of when I was watching NBC nightly news on the floor model tv.

Let Me Tell It To You In a New Way

If I can grasp new avenues for spreading gossip, I mean valuable news, maybe I can create another young audience nosy enough to read, write and review information.

21st Century Literacy 


Courtesy of: k8teaw, , dir. 21st Century Literacy . YouTube, Film. 21 May 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ZRDRPqoXo&feature=endscreen>

Courtesy of: Rob, Cottingham. N.d. Photograph. Noise to SignalWeb. 21 May 2013. <http://www.robcottingham.ca/cartoon/archive/2007-09-15-blog-king/>.


  1. Your post was very entertaining. :) I see that you stated that you were a journalist. What is your major now?

  2. Kasondra, thanks. I received a bachelor's in 2000 in Broadcast News. I'm enrolled now to work toward a M.Ed. This is my first grad school class after working in news for about a decade.

  3. Great post, very creative! Like the comic too.

  4. Entertaining Introduction! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Do you blog regularly?

    1. Thanks, Vanessa. I've never blogged before this class. But, I did write a lot as a reporter. And, I tend to ramble on FB often.

  5. I agree, your introduction was entertaining. My dad is a radio talkshow co-host. I liked your comic, as well.

    1. Emily, I bet your dad is so proud. I don't know many people in broadcasting who are good at math. :)

  6. You definitely have a gift for entertaining your readers! I enjoyed your engaging introduction post, and am looking forward to future ones. :)

  7. Your post is very "tongue-in-cheek", which is quite entertaining. My dad worked at a newspaper for thirteen years and decided to publish/write his own work.

    1. Do you get tired of his stories? Sometimes I'm pretty sure my family just pretends to listen.

  8. I love your comic, too funny! Your title is also great, everytime I see it, the song gets stuck in my head.

    1. Sorry about that Johanna! I may not have thought that title through enough. Confession: hadn't really paid that much attention to the song.
